
  • The Busyness ParadoxThe Busyness Paradox

    Podcast: Repressing Workers With Busywork

    Back in March 2020, millions of workers around the world abruptly learned that their jobs didn't always require their presence at a specific desk in a specific building at a […]

  • The Busyness ParadoxThe Busyness Paradox

    Podcast: Let’s Get Down(sized)!

    “Everyone’s got a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” So says Mike Tyson, and so it is with layoffs. No one starts a new job expecting it to […]

  • The Busyness ParadoxThe Busyness Paradox

    Podcast: Striking Back: Protecting Your Paycheck When Your Job Goes Off The Rails

    Almost three years in, we think it's safe to conclude that history will view the 2020's as "an interesting time to be alive." But a silver lining of these turbulent times has been the widespread rethinking about how work should "work." The resulting push toward previously-unthinkable levels of flexibility, empowerment and compensation has met with some friction, however. The resulting labor unrest, strikes, and (our favorite) the paradoxical threat of widespread layoffs amid historic staff shortages, has made a lot of us understandably anxious about our current and future jobs. In this episode, we discuss strategies for keeping your career and your sanity from going off the rails.

  • The Busyness ParadoxThe Busyness Paradox

    Podcast: The Quiet Quitting Quagmire

    By now you've probably heard about "quiet quitting," the latest workplace trend to blow the minds of journalists and social media posters alike. This stunning act of rebellion involves employees doing the work they are paid to do. Seriously. That's what quiet quitting is. It's neither quiet nor quitting, but it's a movement nonetheless.

  • The Busyness ParadoxThe Busyness Paradox

    Podcast: People Don’t Want to Work (for you) Anymore!

    We’ve all seen the signs and memes. We’ve heard the cranky scorn from talking heads, business owners, politicians and old men yelling at clouds. No one (except them) wants to […]

  • The Busyness ParadoxThe Busyness Paradox

    Podcast: Charlotte Lockhart and the 4-Day Week

    You asked us to talk more about four-day work weeks, we did you one better. Join us for a discussion with Charlotte Lockhart, founder and managing director of the 4 […]

  • The Busyness ParadoxThe Busyness Paradox

    Podcast: Expanding the Compressed Workweek

    With all the changes brought about by Covid-19, you might not be surprised to hear about a huge uptick in research on the effects of shortened work weeks. You might […]

  • The Busyness ParadoxThe Busyness Paradox

    Podcast: Busy Signals

    There is such a thing as “good” busyness – that baseline euphoria you feel when you’re humming along, pummeling your to-do list like it owes you money. There’s also such […]

  • The Busyness ParadoxThe Busyness Paradox

    Podcast: Time For Niksen (not that Nixon)

    That’s it! We’re starting a church… Links to articles, episodes and topics discussed in this episode: 0:30 – The U.S. tried permanent daylight saving time in the 1970s — then […]

  • The Busyness ParadoxThe Busyness Paradox

    Podcast: WFH is Dead! Long Live WFH!

    Every few months someone proclaims the death of this working-from-home silliness. Citing indisputably indisputable sources, they assure us that our long nightmare of comfort and efficiency is over. “Rejoice!” they […]